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May 18-20, 2025

Javits Center, NYC

Schools Showcase

Launched in 2022, the Schools Showcase at WANTED serves as a great opportunity for international design schools to present the work of their best students for them to be part of the main design trade event during NYCxDESIGN, receive feedback from professionals and start building their network.

It is also a space for international design schools to recruit students and to connect with an international schools network to create partnerships and potential exchange programs.

2025 participants will be announced soon.

The 2025 Best of Schools and Students Prize awards will be presented with media partner Design Milk and sponsored by Alessi. 

2025 Participating Schools:
California College of the Arts
Centro de Estudios Superiores de Diseno de Monterray / CEDIM
IED Istituto Europeo di Design S.B.p.A.
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Parsons School of Design
Pratt Institute
Rhode Island School of Design (RISD)
School of Architecture and Design of the Universidad Anáhuac Puebla
School of Art Institute of Chicago
Tec Monterrey
Universidad Iberoamericana A.C.
University of Arkansas – Div of Cont Ed
University of Iowa 3D Design Program
University of Oregon

Schools Show 2023 | Jenna Bascom Photography
Image Courtesy of Center for Furniture Craftsmanship

Center for Furniture Craftsmanship

Center for Furniture Craftsmanship provides the best possible education for people who want to design and build functional, beautiful, and expressive work out of wood to the highest standard of craftsmanship.

Image Courtesy of ENSAAMA

ENSAAMA Ecole Nationale Superieure Arts Appliqués

Ensaama School of Art & Design trains creative designers in the fields of design and contemporary crafts. The college has a student body of nearly 1,000 undergraduates and postgraduates. It offers a wide range of programs in design and contemporary crafts covering eight major courses of study. Its curriculum comprises 17 courses at the Bachelor level, 6 postgraduate diplomas including one in contemporary crafts and 2 master’s degrees. Our students go on to become renowned professionals in the fields of design and contemporary crafts, thus ensuring the transmission of exceptional know-how in fine crafts as well as the development of innovative techniques and technologies in design. Today, we also prone trans disciplinary courses so that our students can become acquainted with all fields of crafts and design throughout their studies while adopting a critical and problem-solving approach.

Image Courtesy of Escuela de Comunicación Mónica Herrera

Escuela Mónica Herrera

Escuela de Comunicación Mónica Herrera moves towards the future as a community with a flexible mentality and open to change, which believes in the transformative power of creativity , innovation and lifelong learning to transcend and positively impact our environment .

Image Courtesy of IED Barcelona

IED Istituto Europeo di Design

Istituto Europeo di Design is an international network of design schools with 11 schools in Italy, Spain, and Brazil. Since its foundation in Italy in 1966, IED has been operating in the fields of education and research in the disciplines of design, fashion, visual arts, communication and art and restoration, welcoming every year more than 10.000 students from all over the world.

Image Courtesy of Parsons School of Design

Parsons School of Design

Parsons School of Design at The New School enables students to develop the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in and contribute to our rapidly changing society. Students collaborate with peers throughout The New School, industry partners, and communities around the world and in New York City, a global center of art, design, and business. Parsons' unique approach to interdisciplinary, real-world learning is interwoven throughout all of our offerings, from undergraduate and graduate degrees to executive education for professionals to continuing and pre-college courses taught on campus and online.

Image Courtesy of Pratt Institute

Pratt Institute

Pratt is an institute, an experience, and an idea. What started as a radical experiment to expand access to creative careers is now a community of 5,137 grad and undergrad students working across 48 programs with 1,200 dedicated faculty. 135 years in the making, this is Pratt.

Image Courtesy of RISD Rhode Island School of Design

RISD Rhode Island School of Design

The mission of Rhode Island School of Design, through its college and museum, is to educate its students and the public in the creation and appreciation of works of art and design, to discover and transmit knowledge and to make lasting contributions to a global society through critical thinking, scholarship and innovation.

Image Courtesy of SAIC School of the Art Institute of Chicago

SAIC School of the Art Institute of Chicago

Since its founding in 1866, the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC) has been a leader in educating the world’s most influential artists, designers, and scholars. With a fine arts graduate program ranking among the top programs in the United States by U.S. News and World Report, the School provides an interdisciplinary approach to art and design.

Image Courtesy of SVA MFA Products of Design

SVA MFA Products of Design

In this immersive exhibition, visitors will be able to interact with graduate students and alumni from the MFA in Products of Design Program at the School of Visual Arts. A rotating roster of current and past students will be reenacting their time at the program—sharing prototypes, drawings, apps, and thesis projects from their time at SVA. The exhibition itself will recreate a portion of the studio—with some magic tricks to help participants feel that they are actually in the department space, interacting with real students.

Image Courtesy of Universidad Anáhuac Mexico City School of Architecture and Design

Universidad Anáhuac Mexico City School of Architecture and Design

Our School of Design has become an object of reflection in our daily lives and actions, since creative and technological factors, combined with imminent globalization, have made our design proposals reflect sharp criteria in a solution for the benefit of all.

Image Courtesy of Universidad Anáhuac Puebla School of Architecture and Design

Universidad Anáhuac Puebla School of Architecture and Design

Universidad Anáhuac Puebla the is valued and recognized for graduating positive action leaders whose high academic, cutting-edge professional preparation of international level, their human values ​​and virtues, their comprehensive training and their transcendent vision, allow them to respond to challenges of the contemporary world through their service.

Image Courtesy of Universidad Iberoamericana A.C.

Universidad Iberoamericana A.C.

Universidad Iberoamericana A.C. is recognized as one of the best private universities in Mexico. IberoDiseño was the first Design School in Mexico City, with over 7000 alumni working for the creative industries. Product Design, Transmedia Storytelling Design, Sustainable Design for Fashion and Textiles and Sensory Design are its current programs.